I have always avoided certain Drugs and Drugs to affect my entire life. Back then in primary school, we were told that people who go by it are irresponsible. I hated the smell then, and bringing it close to me could mean the worst.

In our secondary school, people hide in places like the bush and uncompleted buildings just to take it. With time I learned that most of the huge old boys in our class do take it. Just as expected, most of them have very dark lips and red eyes unlike us with pink lips and cat eyes..lol

Here on campus, the culture is different. People don't hide in the bush or toilet to take it anymore. Still, most people who take it are not really irresponsible as earlier taught. But most of them can't just do without it..such persons are addicted already.

Yet, all are drugs and drug effects. drug effects become severe mostly when we abuse the drug in question. If you abuse a particular drug, that moment you begin to go mad. You think less like human and your manners would always tell. Not just that, your health is affected too. And to end it all, you can get addicted. 

The drug effect can be really disastrous. Most times we overlook the warning against smoking by the Federal Ministry of Health. According to them, "Smokers are liable to die young". It's a usual caption seen on every cigarette pack but funny enough, most smokers can't even read. And those who can boldly ignore it without giving it a second thought.

Nevertheless, the truth is, the more you smoke, the more you inhale substances which is certainly harmful to your health. Soon your body tissues become affected and immune grows weaker thereby making the body more vulnerable to certain diseases due to the drug effect. Smoking as a habit is mostly seen among young people and that's the more reason I feel young people should know this (Drug effect)

Apart from the health challenges associated with drug abuse, one could get addicted too. Such persons tend to function and handle tasks mostly when on drugs. Fighting drug addiction is almost like trying to stop a particular habit you're used to. It's not always easy to stop a habit. But The good thing is, we can still stay off the dangers of drug abuse if only we are determined to.

Drink responsibly, Say no to smoking, and save some energy for clear thought.
                                                © Chris Oguji M. 